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Handling Your Employees Final Paycheck - Employer Attorney Los Angeles and Orange County

employee final paycheck

Posted on February 20th, 2019

Below find a complete transcription of the video.

Never ever, ever, ever, ever discount an employee’s check or take something out of an employee’s check if you’re in California.

Other states, I don’t know, maybe you can do it, but in California, that’s one of the biggest no-nos.

I get this question all the time.

Hey, I gave my employee a loan, can’t I take it out of their paycheck? Sure, in certain circumstances you can in California, but it has to be in writing.

Most of the time this question comes up because an employee gets fired or leaves, and then in their last check the employer will discount or deduct what they think is owed, or damages that the employee may have caused, or something else, but in California, that’s one of the biggest no-nos, and it’ll create 10 times more problems for you than if you just pay them the entire check that they’re owed.

If they owe you a considerable sum of money, your options are to sue them later for that amount, whether it’s small claims court or something different.

Thanks, guys.

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Handling Your Employees Final Paycheck
Article Name
Handling Your Employees Final Paycheck
In this article we explain how you need to handle an employees final paycheck.
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Defend My Biz
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