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Blog - Employer Attorney Los Angeles and Orange County - Page 18

filing for bankruptcy

Labor Lawsuit: Should I File For Bankruptcy

Posted on March 5th, 2019

  A full transcription of the video is below.   Hi everybody, this is John Fogerholm from and today I wanna talk about bankruptcies, bankruptcies in the context of employment lawsuits and employment defense. So I've gotten a couple of questions about, can yo... read more

track employee breaks

How to Track Employee Breaks

Posted on February 28th, 2019

    Full transcript of the video is below:   Hi, everyone. I just got back from the Labor Board, a Labor Board hearing. It compelled me to make this video because of the problems we had there. The client that had a maintenance company, and he had a separate... read more

reason employees sue

The Real Reason Employees Sue

Posted on February 26th, 2019

Below find a complete transcription of the video. Hey, everybody. It's John Fagerholm from Today's not going to be really a law-based video. It's going to be practical advice for business type video. It just struck me today speaking to a client about a ne... read more

mandatory sexual harassment training

Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

Posted on February 21st, 2019

Below find a complete transcription of the video. Hi, everybody. It's John Fagerholm from Today I want to discuss that runaway train that we call #metoo. Again, California, Jerry Brown, making laws that affect small business owners. So Jerry Brown signed into law... read more

employee final paycheck

Handling Your Employees Final Paycheck

Posted on February 20th, 2019

Below find a complete transcription of the video. Never ever, ever, ever, ever discount an employee's check or take something out of an employee's check if you're in California. Other states, I don't know, maybe you can do it, but in California, that's one of the biggest no-nos. ... read more

notice of claim and conference

What is A Notice of Claim & Conference?

Posted on February 15th, 2019

Below find a complete transcription of the video. What a pain in the assessment the Labor Board is. Typically, an employee makes a complaint, and then the Labor Board sends you a notice that a complaint's been filed. Then, several weeks later they send you a notice of claimant con... read more

paying OT

When Do I Have to Pay OT?

Posted on February 13th, 2019

Below is a complete transcirption of this video. I get this question a lot, and it's such an easy answer. The question is, when do I have to pay overtime? You have to pay overtime anytime one of your employees works over eight hours in a day, or over 40 hours in a week. So for exampl... read more

California criminal history enquiry

New California Law on Criminal History Inquiry

Posted on February 12th, 2019

Did you know that California has a new law on criminal history enquiry? Read on to learn what it is. As of November 2018, California's unemployment rate was 4.1 percent for the general public.  But the unemployment rate for former criminal offenders in California is 27 per... read more

no workers comp

What Do You Mean You Don’t Have Workers Comp?!

Posted on February 8th, 2019

What? You don't have workers' comp? That's insane. In California, workers' comp is expensive, but it's absolutely necessary. Just the fines for not having workers' comp could be up to $100,000. The way they calculate that is it's $1,500 per employee, per month, for a maximum of three years... read more

fire an employee

How to Fire an Employee in California.

Posted on February 6th, 2019

A complete transcription of the video is below. So, a sad day for me today. I had to fire an employee. And certainly I've fired several employees over the years, but it's never easy to do. And as an entrepreneur and as a business owner, that happens sometimes. Sometimes you have to f... read more