Posted on January 26th, 2023
What’s up fellow entrepreneurs Today I want to talk about PAGA and how bad it is for life in general in California, but first I’m an attorney, but I’m not your attorney. So please seek out competent legal advice for your specific legal needed question.
I know I’ve spoken about PAGA quite a bit in the past, but this story, it’s home for me because I was once a youth coach where pare used to be a topic for businesses. It looks like it’s starting to creep into the lives of every everyday citizens in California, a popular youth soccer club.
The LA Breakers has been hit with the IPA lawsuit by one of its coaches. The complaint seeks to recover civil penalties for alleged labor code violations committed by the club because of independent contractor classification by the football club. So now we have to worry about PAGA affecting youth sports.
It’s crazy that our legislators can’t wake up and see how destructive and abused truly is. Los Angeles Breaker’s Youth Soccer club is facing claims that a misclassified coaches as independent contractors to avoid paying overtime.
According to a recently filed complaint. So the plaintiff, Brian Gonzalez, filed the PGA suit in the California Superior Court on behalf of himself and other breakers coaches alleging multiple violations of the California Labor Code.
Now the complaint seeks to recover civil penalties for the alleged labor code violations committed by the club as to all coaches who El whom LA Breakers has employed in California and treated as independent contractors.
Although the club website specifically represents that l a b coaches, our employees, Gonzalez alleges the club has maintained a uniform policy of classifying all coaches as independent contractors rather than employees.
He claims, and this is a quote, defendant’s misclassification of coaches as independent contractors is willful and done in order to deprive the coaches, benefits do them, and to gain an economic advantage with the full knowledge that the law requires the coaches to be classified as employees.
All right, so how far are lawyers going to take this PGA thing before the average citizen realizes that this thing is going to start affecting everyone, not just the local small business owner.
Now, I want everyone to follow the law, but unfortunately, PAGA is bad law and now is creeping into every aspect of California lives. For those of you that say, well, who cares? It doesn’t affect me.
I think you’re wrong. Some of you who will see the effects in your youth soccer fees, but all of us are going to see it affect other areas of our lives as this bad law continues to spread like a cancer into every aspect of California life.
Okay. So until next time, be productive.